Three Mile Creek Greenway Trail

Three Mile Creek Greenway Trail



GCCDS played a key role as part of the Management Plan Team, contracted by Moffatt Nichol and the City of Mobile to develop a Management Plan for the Three Mile Creek Greenway in Mobile, Alabama.

The Three Mile Creek Greenway Trail was envisioned as a greenway that will connect forest, parks, and neighborhoods in a cohesive greenway system to be enjoyed by trail users while supporting the healthy floodplain ecology of Three Mile Creek. Taking into consideration the complexities of land-ownership, the proposed trail alignment was divided into seven similar-length segments to serve as a geographic base for costing, and to aid the city in procuring resources for trail design and construction.

Eight distinct trail types were identified to address the varied existing conditions and property ownership. Within these trail types, the landscape concept engages trail users while adding ecological and aesthetic value to each existing property along the trail in a naturalistic and integrated approach that prioritizes community health. The concept weaves together the planned and existing landscape in a way that functions well for both trail users and property owners along the trail, and also functions to mitigate stormwater impacts by directing runoff away from the creek.

In addition to the management plan, GCCDS was also contracted to conduct a health impact analysis, projecting health and economic impact to the communities within 1 mile of the proposed trail. Greenway trails have been shown to improve the physical activity levels of those living within their proximity, resulting in a positive effect on many chronic health conditions such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, and low physical activity. According to the study, 43% (or 29,625 Mobilians) would potentially meet nationally recommended levels for physical activity if the proposed Three Mile Creek Greenway Trail is implemented. The trail would also increase property values by an estimated 2%. Other economic impacts anticipated in connection with the development of the greenway trail include increased consumer spending, business and job development, and healthcare savings.

This project was funded in part by a grant from The Community Foundation of South Alabama. The Mobile County Health Department, through generous support from the Sybil Smith Charitable Trust, contributed resources for the health impact assessment of the Three mile Creek. (2016-2017)

Also of interest:

Mobile's Three Mile Creek Greenway: Path and promise for a neglected waterway

Three Mile Creek Watershed Management Plan